The best cooking courses for students

Hello Innsiders! I’m back! I hope everything goes great with you!

As I’ve said before, you’ve all been living alone, at least, this year. Which means you’ve probably realized how important it is to learn how to cook. When I say cooking, I mean real dishes, you can’t live eating precooked food all your life it would be crazy and it’s not healthy at all!

So here we are trying to do everything we can to help you. To have fun with your friends while learning new things with a real chef! This probably sounds like we’re going to teach you how to make a super healthy broccoli recipe. That’s definitely not what we do in our cooking classes!

Although I have to keep the intrigue going and not say anything too much about the classes, some of you have already been there and had a great time. And not only do we want to keep it that way, but, if we can, we want to increase the fun while you increase your skills!

The best part of organising all these activities for you is being able to see that you are having fun and are interested in improving, getting to know  and learning new things. And that’s why we would love to hear from you about what you want to learn to cook and taste.

In other classes we have seen how to prepare croquettes, gazpacho or lentils’, typical Spanish dishes; as well as many other recipes from all over the world. The other day we made five different healthy salads with lots of different and original ingredients.

But there are many other things we learn during our cooking courses, not necessarily Spanish cooking. We already made homemade sushi and it was delicious! So if you are up for it, we will make a good pizza, pasta or even some desserts!

Send us an email to and let your chef’s side lead you on the right track!

Thanks for being there!

Best wishes!


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